
Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Η αρπαγή της Ευρώπης στη ζωγραφική

Roman fresco from the Fatal House Of The Love of Pompei, I sec. d.C.

Roman mosaic from Zeugma, imperial period

Greek bowl with red figures from Attica, 370 a.C.

Greek vase with red figures, detail, 490 a.C.

Europa, Caeretan hydria, dated 520 B.C. Rome, Villa Giulia.

Europa, Metope from Temple Y at Selinus, Palermo, Dated around 550-540 B.C.

Titian, The Rape of Europa, 1561-1562

Cavalier d'Arpino, 1607-8

Rembrandt, 1632

Anonymous artist from the workshop of Jacopo BassanoVenetian school. 16th c

Caesar van Boetius, Abduction of Europa, 1650

Claude Lorrain, Coast Scene with the Rape of Europa, 1667

Paolo Veronese, 1570

Valentin Le Febre, The Rape of Europa, ca 1680 (after painting by Paolo Veronese).

Giovanni Domenico Ferretti, The Rape of Europa, 1720-40

Giambattista Tiepolo, Abduction of Europa, 1725

Giambattista Tiepolo, Zeus and Europa, 1750-53

Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, Abduction of Europa, 1750

Noel-Nicolas Coypel, Abduction of Europe, 1727

Noel-Nicolas Coypel, Abduction of Europe (detail), 1727

Noel-Nicolas Coypel, Abduction of Europe, 1722

Jean I Limousin, The Rape of Europa, 1747

Guido Reni

Liberale da Verona (1498-1528) thanks to netok

Francois Boucher, The Rape of Europa, 1732-34

Europa and the Bull by Gustave Moreau, 1869

Valentin Alexandrowitsch Serow, The Rape of Europa, 1910 

Henri Matisse, Abduction of Europa, 1929

Marguerit Stix, Europa, 1962

Fernando Botero, 1998

Flight of Europa by Paul Manship
CARRACCI Antonio "The Rape of Europa"
 (406x595, 154Kb)
ZUCCARELLI Francesco(1702-1788)
 (699x531, 206Kb)
Liberale da Verona (1498-1528) "The Rape of Europa"
 (640x187, 75Kb)
Jacques Lipchitz (1891-1973)
 (376x480, 108Kb)
Karl Plattner
 (284x309, 21Kb)
 (508x335, 68Kb)
Designed and hooked by Jule Marie Smith
 (400x379, 54Kb)
Yuri Ivanov
 (300x300, 32Kb)
Vadim Kurov
 (400x320, 28Kb)
Kenneth Zammit Tabona "The Rape of Europa"
 (374x277, 64Kb)
Murray Zimiles
 (550x371, 83Kb)

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